Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sunday, January 9th 2011

Not too much in this Sunday's news, I fear. 

My attention has been totally occupied in attempts both failed and successful to transfer all my files from my old computer  to my new one. I am sure that none of you want to hear any more details on that topic – suffice it to say that in the future I shall have far more sympathy and understanding when I hear that others are undergoing a similar process!

I note that Hampshire Athletic Club, where I see many of our own members, is exceptionally busy these days. My assumption is that many of the newcomers are gung ho to fulfill their new year resolutions of eating and living more healthily. Assuming that this is indeed the case, and that most resolutions are short lived, I have high hopes that in another few weeks matters will be back to normal, with no more lines waiting for a space in the pool. 

On the other hand, I have not noticed any reduction in the number of people in line for a table at Judy's (one of my favorite hang-outs),
 so maybe the resolutions encompass moving more without necessarily eating less – now that is a suggestion that does appeal to me!

At Hickory Ridge we will have our usual selection of low calorie salads and veggies plus hearty soups and entrees, so I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday. Our speaker will be one of our newer members, Amanda Lange, talking about sweet chocolate – what was that remark about counting calories?

Keep cosy,


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